FMA55 penggerak perabot, penggerak peralatan

The Features of Furniure Mover:

  • Can be safely handled by just one operator.
  • Design with a durable lifting mechanism.
  • Sturdy and large capacity:made from high quality aluminum alloy for lighter weight than steel,this FMA55 is sturdy and durable.
  • Detachable design:Step on shaft to open or fold in seconds,easier storage and transportation.The FMA55 is perfect for any application that requires heavy lifting and ideal for use in furnitrue movement.

Ideal for moving large and heavy equipment or machinery in manufacturing facilities and warehouses. Manufacturers of construction, mining, and agricultural equipment are just a few of the industries that routinely handle heavy assemblies and equipment.Large forklifts, overhead cranes, and in-floor track systems are the most common method for moving heavy equipment. They do have their advantages because they can get the load moving but they also have disadvantages with cost, efficiency, and flexibility.This FM series furniture mover(equipment mover) can be Safely Handled by Just One Operator, it is designed with a Durable Lifting Mechanism.STURDY AND LARGE CAPACITY: Made from high quality aluminum alloy for lighter weight than steel, this FMA55 is sturdy and durable.

DETACHABLE DESIGN: Step on shaft to open or fold in seconds, easier storage and transportation. The FMA55 is perfect for any application that requires heavy lifting and ideal for use in furniture movement.

i-angkat No.1912601
Kapasitas kg (lb.)500(1100)
Angkat dhuwur mm (ing.)320(12.6)
Min. Dhuwur mm (ing.)0
Plate Angkat mm (ing.)225*120(8.9*4.7)
Ukuran Sakabèhé mm (ing.)510*440*845(20*17.3*33.3)
Bobot resik kg (lb.)20(44)

Piranti mover pabrikan:

Minangka pabrikan profesional saka macem-macem jinis penanganan material & produk angkat, piranti mover minangka salah sawijining produk utama. Saliyane iki, kita uga bisa ngasilake macem-macem jinis truk palet, stacker, meja angkat, forklift, crane lan liya-liyane. Yen sampeyan pengin tuku jinis produk penanganan materi, sampeyan bisa ngirim email saka kaca iki kanggo kuotasi saiki. Lan yen sampeyan kasengsem karo produk liyane, coba hubungi kami liwat email utawa cara liyane sing kacathet ing kaca kasebut. Kita bakal mangsuli sampeyan sajrone 24 jam.